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Your New Favorite Self Love Shop

In an ever changing world, it is imperative that we know how to nourish ourselves on all levels. At Hawaiian Heart we offer luxurious oils to nurture your skin, holistic healing sessions with our founder Chloe to heal your soul, and merchandise that act as activation pieces to remind your consciousness that you create your reality. We trust that you will always your way home to your heart and we're here to help in any way we can.

To shop our skin care line click here.

To book a one on one session with Chloe click here.

To purchase activation pieces click here.

Heart Centered Philosophy

Hawaiian Heart was birthed from the practice of living in your heart. While this may sound intangible or esoteric, in truth, it is a simple yet profound way of life. When we center in our hearts we are able to bring our minds into coherence. In this magical space of coherence we allow the authentic flow of true beauty, which already exists within each of us, to reveal itself in ever increasing measure.

For a scientific explanation of Heart-Mind Coherence click here.

For more on Heart Centered Beauty click here.