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Crystal Technology

Crystals are mindfully infused into our exotic oils during ceremony to allow the oils frequency to be fine-tuned to that of the crystal. Our central nervous system is an electrical system which means everything within us is made up of energy and vibrates at different frequencies. Our mindfully sourced crystals have the power to amplify or absorb the flow of energy with their charged chemical make up. Nourishing our bodies with crystal activated oils, which are both derived from the earth, connects us to our truest nature and what it means to be human. After all, the same elements that make up earth, make up our being. The human body contains on average, 60% water. The same elements that make up the earths crust, the sun, and crystals are contained in our bodies: hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, sodium, calcium, zinc, and more. Our crystal activated oils connect us to our divine essence and hold space for the highest level of vibrations to flow through. Each crystal holds different properties responsible for energetic shifts and the transfer of energy that can take place in the mind, body, and soul. 

"The Science of the ARK Crystal" eBook has just been released! In this eBook you will explore 30 years worth of technology and experiments behind the ARK crystal, as well as practical applications and suggestions for personal use. Click here for instruction to download.

See below for guidance on each crystals potential healing properties: 

Amethyst: Clarity, intuition, headache relief, endocrine and immune support

Labradorite: Self-reflection, connects etheric and physical bodies, hormone balance

Aquamarine: Cleanses the emotional body, releases fears, encourages self-expression

Carnelian: Vitality, stability, creativity, blood and circulation

Tiger Eye: Courage, calm mind, unwavering focus, bone strength

Rose Quartz: Self-love,self-forgiveness, deep inner healing, blood pressure

Rainbow Fluorite: The Revealer, re-organize scattered thoughts, universal consciousness